Journey with Consciousness Expanding Modalities

1 on 1 Journey

Spend several hours or a whole day reharmonizing with sound, breathwork and more

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A 6 Hour Journey Through Consciousness and Sound

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We live in a vibrational world. Everything that exists here is vibrating. Everything is sound.

Mandy’s Specific Training

Mandy has studied enhanced states of consciousness for 6 years. She has lead over 500 people in guided sound journeys which is very respectable in her field. She understands enhanced states created by these immersive experiences from the lenses of modern psychology, parts work, belief work (NLP), trauma work, and behavioral studies. (See more of her specific trainings here).

Her teachers, Alexandre Tannous and David Shemesh, call this style of journey a “Sound Meditation.”

Brilliantly named, a Sound Meditation, invites engagement versus passivity.

In Sound Meditations, we retrain our mind and nervous system through a combination of somatic experiencing, breathwork, vocalization, and a powerful combination of 12+ harmonic sound healing instruments. It is a pleasure for the senses and a deep journey into clarity and healing through retraining the brain and nervous system.

By learning how to listen, one learns how to observe the mind and body. Recognizing that you are not your thoughts nor your emotions. From a scientific standpoint, sound meditations drop our brainwaves from Beta to the very therapeutic brainwaves Alpha, Theta and Delta, where change occurs more easily. This helps us break the entrainment/habituation of the mind, encouraging desired thoughts, soothing the nervous system, and releasing physical stress and anxiety.

Interested in an Immersive Experience? Read on


This body of work was created and refined by one of Mandy’s teachers over 20 years. It has 1,000s of case studies and is a very reliable and expansive way to experience a guided journey. One of the things that makes it more powerful than other guided journeys is its multi-modality approach. The combination of several modalities (somatics, breathwork, vocalization, visualization, sound, belief work) allows the journeyer to go beyond just emotional release or mental clarity, it allows for the whole system (mind, body, emotions, energy body) to come into balance.

The journey starts long before the day of the journey and continues long after. We start with pre-work emphasizing the importance of “set and setting”.


Mandy assigns a collection of journal exercises, podcasts, articles, and other tools for exploration before the journey. This helps you prime your psyche with the most relevant content.


6 Hour Sound and Breathwork Journey that expands your consciousness, helps you gain clarity and come into greater harmony with yourself.

1. Consciousness Priming Talk

Mandy discusses the scientific and therapeutic properties of sound. She then shares lessons and frameworks that serve as helpful “tools of navigation” for your sound journey.

2. Vocalization

The use of your own vocal chords is an important part of somatic healing and personal expression. This wordless form of vocalization serves as a platform for self-expression and physical release. It is a supported method of soothing the vagas nerve (a major nerve known for storing trauma in the body and emotional regulation).

3. Breathwork

Inspired by Stanislav Grof's Holotropic breathing technique, you will be guided through a powerful three-part breath that will enable you to disconnect from the “monkey mind” enough to reach heightened states of awareness and a deeper state of meditation. Oxygenating the body also has health benefits such alkalizing blood PH, a known indicator of immune system functioning and vitamin balance.

4. Sound Healing

Mandy will guide a sonic journey into your inner landscape using overtone-emitting instruments (Currently she uses: large gong, singing bowls, ocean drum, tribal drum, chimes, monolina, sansula, the wing, and more) These rich overtones affect the brainwave cycles, neurochemistry, autonomic nervous system, heart-rate variability, and subtle energy in the body. The sound meditation sets the stage for a deep, meditative and unique altered state of consciousness allowing us to disconnect from physical, mental, emotional and psychological habitual patterns and rewire them.


“It was a year of therapy in 6 hours.” This is common feedback Mandy hears. The brain and body want to be healthy so when we give them the opportunity to “take out the garbage” and come back to wholeness, they do. Many participants experience rapid imagery and insights, thus time is spent after session to help participants integrate the experience into their every day lives.

The impact doesn’t end the day of the journey, the insights, neural pathway shifts and momentum continue for weeks to months. The key is to stay connected to yourself and stay rooted in the experience..

Client Testimonials

“"After a few exceptionally challenging years and a recent traumatic experience, I was carrying a crippling amount of anxiety in my body, and an immense amount of grief in my heart. I was overwhelmed with life and self doubt. I’d been seeing a psychotherapist and career coach for over 6 months, trying to eat well, getting outside, spending time with friends, and basically doing all the ‘right’ things to be better. To feel better. But everyday was a struggle. I was seeing patterns in my life that I just didn’t know how to break. When I booked a 6 hour sound ceremony with Mandy hoped for some relief, but did not expect the magnitude of the gift that Mandy gave me.” K San Francisco

Mandy created a loving and compassionate space and created an extraordinary experience. I am in awe of her and her process during which such profound healing could occur. From the careful preparation and conversation the night before, to the creation of the most comfortable environment, no detail was missed. I always felt supported, yet she did not intervene or distract, but rather helped me surrender and feel safe enough to go deeper into the many layers of repressed trauma that I truly never had the courage or method to face before. Then, she gently guided me to let it all go. It was extraordinarily painful at times, but the profound sense of love, connectedness, and self-reckoning was almost immediate. I was particularly awestruck with Mandy’s use of music and sound.” —KK in Santa Barbara

“It is hard to write feedback for the best day of my life so far because it is something beyond words. [Mandy] helped facilitate the access to and experience of Divine LOVE that I had looked for in Ayahuasca. I write this short message a few months after our 1 on 1 session and honestly, I am still strongly feeling its benefits. I wake up each morning more clear and more connected to love. I feel empowered and in control of my life. I sometimes have those human freak outs but I am able to get myself back to peace SO MUCH quicker. Thank you so much Mandy. This will be apart of my regular “tune up” each year. I am so grateful for how this work impacted my clarity with my job/life purpose and how it helped me let go of resistance to fully loving my partner and accepting his love. Also, thank you for helping me create and stick to a morning routine that I am actually excited about.” KM San Diego

“From the deepest part of my heart. I would like to say thank you and express the amount of peace and clarity and grounding I feel. I feel my most authentic self and I haven’t allowed her in, in so long. I am so grateful to be with myself again. This is nothing short of GOD’s work and will. Please keep illuminating the paths of light so others can feel this.” DT in San Francisco

Mandy brings sound meditation to a whole new level using her own array of the most beautiful instruments. I honestly believe that the sound that resonated through me was one of the most powerful experiences, and the entire journey would not have been as impactful, or effective without it. Later that evening I felt a sense of peace and calm I had not felt in a very long time. Mandy also helped me with the grounding after the journey and we’ve had several debriefs since to ensure I maintain it. This experience may not be for everyone, but for me personally, it helped me recall that sense of personal power I had lost somewhere along the way, and over the days that followed I also remembered my purpose and motivation to live within my core values, and speak my truth. It was like getting 5 years worth of therapy in one day. I am so grateful to Mandy. Her trust in the healing process is intrinsic, and now I trust it too." —TK in Santa Barbara

“My own experience of the sound journey this evening was an opening to memories and places, colors and movements, the aliveness and SEEING sound while my eyes were closed. Observing where my mind was going and knowing why it was going there was something unique to itself but also, knowing that probably others were experiencing something just as transformative as we all peeled back our veneers of '“reality”. The gong silence that internal thought voice and its resonance and dissonance created a landscape beyond recognition. I’ve never been so reminded of my singularity and aloneness in the universe while feeling so connected and safe. I saw us all merge as we emerged from the experience. Hugs, embrace, touch, looking deeply and connecting with the beauty we share on this fragile lifeboat we call Earth.” M Santa Barbara

“This is why sages remain silent. There really is no explanation or description grand enough for that experience. Yet, because I am human, and because I am me and I love words, I try. First, may I say thank you for including me in that experience. It really was all that I wished for and more. It was a deep, deep honor to watch you and David work together. It was an honor to be present and witness the processing of the other souls in that room. And most importantly it was just FUN!!! We have talked ad nauseum about what comes next, what's on the other side of processing, what's after fear... only Love...light and sound in constant, orgasmic play with each other over, and over, and over, and over, and over... Every note that was played sang only one refrain, I AM! No matter the frequency, no matter the cadence, that was it: I AM. I AM. I AM. What a relief to experience that in bodily knowing; that no matter where I turn, no matter if it looks dark or gray, the command within my power is to tell my mind, "Color here too" and it will be so. And once there is color there is creation. And once there is creation it is endless. My guides told me that I had chosen not to create in a world without color, that I had been holding myself back until I had seen. And now that I have seen, I will choose. What, I don't know; but, that is enough. Because in my not knowing I will allow the question to arise, "Would you like to know?". And to that, I will always answer YES!” —EV San Francisco

Why is sound so important in a journey?

Sound is the fabric of the reality. Everything has a vibration and thus everything is sound.

We enter journeys to get more clarity and insight, to heal, to feel like ourselves again. Journeys put us in an open and more neuro-flexible state where we are highly sensitive and highly suggestable.

Mandy uses sound to reach goals and wellness in the human system – and achieve a desired state of expansion. Science has proven that sound, or vibration, has a strong impact upon individuals.

Known benefits

  • Physical: Reduction or Removal of the Following: Stress, Fatigue, Physical Pain, Physical Discomfort, Insomnia, Sleep Disorders

  • Psychological: Reduction or Removal of the Following: Depression, Anxiety, Brain-Fog, ADD, ADHD, Overthinking,

  • Emotional: Improves emotional stability, increases feelings of peace, clarity and love, Releases Emotional Trauma

  • Spiritual: Expansion of the feeling of connection to higher self and divine/universe